Braunite with Hausmannite and Andradite Garnet
Wessels Mine, Northern Cape, South Africa
Small Cabinet, 7.7 x 5.9 x 2.5 cm
Ex. Charlie Key
$6,500.00 Payment Plan Available
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Braunite is a uncommon manganese silicate and excellent examples with large crystals are rare. This sample is surely one of the finest, with sharp, lustrous, doubly terminated crystals covering the small cabinet specimen. The largest crystal is 1.8 cm in length and exhibits horizontal striations across the crystal face. The crystals sit on top of a red andradite matrix giving it a wonderful contrast. Black hausmannite pseudo-octahedrons add to the uniqueness of the specimen. Formerly in the noted African specialist collection of Charles Key (the legendary dealer after whom both keyite and ludlockite is named).